Saturday, June 9, 2012

Y4 D15

I am up way too goddamn early for a saturday especially a saturday where I have a show. But I have to teach a class in 90 minutes. I am not looking forward to it to be honest with you because I saw the list of attendees late last night and there isn't a single non-indian name on there. No, I am not being racist. It's that these bastards in my field tend to be the biggest bunch of know-it-all douchebags to ever walk the face of the earth. Which means I will probably get obscure, ridiculous questions during this class. They have this condescending attitude about things like this and I am not in the fucking mood. Thank god it's a remote class and they will all be muted. They will only be able to communicate to me through chat. Ha. Take that fucker.

Yesterday. Ugh. Lots of 'ugh' this week and yesterday was no exception. I had to get up early and drive to my co-workers house. I was there from about 7-11 with an hour drive on both ends. I did get the issues resolved finally. We were discussing how it is nice sometimes to have someone to bounce things off of when there are issues. It is the one thing we both agree we miss from being in a standard work environment. Speaking of that, do you realize it was a year ago when I took that other job? I know, right? Actually at this point last year I would have just been getting home from vacation with my family and about to start my new job on Monday. Weird.

Got home yesterday from my morning journey and did some more work until about 4. I had to prep and get ready for this class. Test connections, verify docs, etc. Hopefully nothing will go - oh who am I kidding. It's a class for crying out loud. Something will irk me. After that I ordered the kid a pizza and waited for her to get home from work so I could have my car and go run a couple of errands. Also and this may be a bit mean, I am tired of being her entertainment and/or feeling guilty because it's a Friday night and she is home. I have enough issues with myself being home on a Friday night I don't need to feel bad for my teenage daughter. She needs to develop some damn social skills. Anyway, she got home near 7 and I went over to my bosses his house. His wife's father is an olive oil distributor and whenever she sees him, he gives her jugs of olive oil. They had one put aside for me and I went over to pick it up. I was out and the timing was perfect. I did get to see his new TV. Dick. The 55" Samsung I want. Dick.

After that I stopped at the mall. Mostly because I didn't want to go right home. I had been looking at a pair of jeans for the last two weeks and finally decided to buy them. Best part? Waiting saved me 50%. They were half off. Score.

After that I hit the pet store and bought goodies for the critters. Kitty litter, bird treats, rat treats, etc. Everyone is happy in the animal world. Finally done, I played a little Diablo and went to bed. I am enjoying Diablo. For those who never played, this is meaningless, but to those who did? Two of the best improvements - no more town portal scrolls and no more gold takes up inventory. THANK YOU. God how many times I would bounce back and forth to town just to dump gold. AND it wasn't until Diablo 2 that there was the concept of a stash. I remember in Diablo 1 littering the town with gold piles. As for D3, I have been happy so far. There have been complaints about the simplicity and other things, but to me it's Diablo. It plays like Diablo, it feels like Diablo, and I like it. Matter of fact when I am done with my class I will have three hours until I have to leave for the show. Guess what I will be doing?

72 minutes. Put on my game face.

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