Monday, June 3, 2013

Y5 D9

I did not have a good day yesterday. I blame a lot of it on my apartment complex. I had to resign my lease yesterday. They raised my rent $210 a month. Before utilities starting next month my rent is $2009 a month. Over two grand a month for a two bedroom damn apartment. That is fucking ridiculous. Since I moved in 3 1/2 years ago they have jacked me up almost $500 a month. That's $6000 a year. Have I made that much in salary increases? Specifically after taxes NET salary increases? The answer would be a short sweet NO. This news of course just put me in a lousy mood. Made me think about everything I have lost, everything I have done wrong, all the crap I have bought where the money could have gone to other things, etc. I also still haven't seen or heard anything from the government to tell me where my 2k is that they owe me. I tried checking on both the state and the federal websites to no avail. The state simply says that the feds intercepted my refund check. Fine. That was expected, so where the hell is the left over? Where is a letter stating that you intercepted my goddamn money? That like last year was my expected birthday money. This all got me thinking about the kid and B and everything else in my life. So yeah, I was a little bit less than happy and excited yesterday about everything. On top of this, when I told B that I had to resign a lease she got a bit bent. There are some things where her life experience is limited and I have to remember this. She thinks it's easy to just move. Yeah, no. The money needed, the finding a place, the packing - all of that takes time. I had less than a month to make a decision on a new lease. Again, this got me thinking about the kid. I half expected her to be moving forward by this point. Not still here and expecting me to take care of everything. See why I ended up in a spiral of frustration?

I ended up wasting the day away by watching 7.5 hours of Sherlock. One to go and I will have seen every available episode. 7.5 hours only took me through five out of the six episodes. It took everything in my power to not stay up until 2 and just watch the final one last night. But I went to bed at midnight after watching 5 of them.

As to the show? Damn good show. Why are so many BBC shows so much better than US ones? They are better thought out, better acted, and just more in depth. Maybe because they don't have a problem making an 'episode' 90 minutes long. We have to make everything 22 or 44 minutes where as they don't care. They don't get hung up on that and it makes for better shows.

I stress ate yesterday too which pisses me off. I am still fat in my mind and it's driving me nuts. I want to be back down where I was two years ago. Which is about 30 pounds from where I am right now. June was supposed to be my don't eat month. Not doing well at that so far. Again, spiral of shame and uselessness.

Add to all this work - that was a fun moment. On Saturday I sent my co-worker an email asking about today's class I was supposed to teach. His response was 'um...'. He totally couldn't remember any details about today. I sent him the original email but since he was in the middle of a move he couldn't go back and find the information. Yesterday afternoon I get a response saying 'don't make plans for tomorrow until I can figure this out'. I think what happened is that someone approached him, they asked if we were available, but then they fell through and because he was moving, it screwed everything up. Regardless, I am essentially on call today waiting to see if I am going to do a last minute 1/2 day class. As long as it starts before 1, I can handle it. I just need to be ready.

Ready. Ha. Am I ever ready for anything?

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