Wednesday, January 8, 2020

Y11 D227

I turned the humidity back up and it was much better. Still not as high as I would like it, but better.

Rough, rough sleep. Lots of dreams but lots of waking up too. Not a good night. Had weird fucking dreams.

Worked more on my docs yesterday. Uncovered a bug in the product. Luckily there was a patch already out there so I wasn't the first to find said bug. But it still sucked. I spent like 2 hours thinking it was something I was doing only to finally uncover the patch file. They didn't make it easy.

Had chicken bake for dinner because B wanted it. Shit I think the pan is still in the microwave. Ugh. Alright, took care of that. We had the dish in there because one of the cats will not stop jumping on the counter. I researched last night how to make a sprayer because the commercial one is ridiculously expensive.

Went to bed. Class today. Whee. 17 people. This will be fun.

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