Wednesday, January 1, 2020

Y11 D220

Hm. Still has the old decade smell. Oh well.

I hope everyone had a safe, fun time last night and is doing alright this morning.

We had a nice boring night with a friend over. Played multiple board and card games, gorged on a taco bell dinner, had a 10 year old bottle of champagne at midnight, went to bed by 2. Nice and boring. Yay us.

Spent the day cleaning the house so we would have a new year with a nice clean start. Also made soup and mac & cheese for the week.

It snowed all day yesterday. Was okay except in the morning when I went to the grocery store, got to the check out line, realized I forgot my wallet, and had to drive home and back. That was not fun but I survived.

It's Wednesday isn't it? Weird week people, weird week. Couple more days then back to the grand. 19 more days and I am back on the road.

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