Wednesday, January 29, 2020

Y11 D248

Yesterday ended up just being a long ass day. Because my class started so late I was thrown off all day. I had three students all of whom are other trainers. Well, one is another trainer, one is the person who does our webinars, and one is an annoying pain in my ass. It was this last one that caused the most problems. Thanks to them we didn't finish until exactly 6:30. They wouldn't shut up. Blah blah blah. Shut the fuck up. The time was good though. Found some typos in the material, refined some demos, need to make some clean up to things. Overall it was time well spent, but fuck it was long.

Snowed a little yesterday. Not enough to be a problem but enough to coat the ground. More is expected on Saturday when it's really supposed to dump. Good times.

B is still happy with her car and that's all that counts. Me? I'm going to spend the next year stressed out about every penny going in and out of this house. Hey, that's my lot in life, right? Sigh.

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