Friday, November 11, 2022

ANA Y1 D168

Having a wee bit of tummy trouble this morning. Indian food catching up to me I'd say. Been up for a while but in the bathroom. Good times over here for sure. Slept moderately well. Can't recall any crazy dreams. It was a good day yesterday. We went to IKEA. C's first time there ever. We of course had meatballs because it is a mandatory thing when you go. They were apprehensive of food in a big old store like that but immediately fell in love with everything as one does in IKEA. There's something fundamentally wrong with people who don't like that store. Sorry, it's true. We bought a few things. Got our dishes and silverware. Got a new faucet for the kitchen. Got a black velvet throw blanket for the new couch. Found a stuffed octopus who I have named Frank. He just looks like a Frank that lived in the sewers of NY because he got too big to be a pet. Yes, the infamous sewer octopuses of NY. We've all heard of them. What? I'm hilarious, piss off. We got a couple of Xmas decorations. Some other little things as well. The importance of this trip was more seeing how well our styles and taste match up. On that front it was a more than successful trip. Very happy to see how in alignment we are in terms of how things should look. I suspect that over the next year or two, some furniture in the house will start getting replaced. Plus there will definitely be painting and wall changes around here. I also broke the seal on me posting on social media. B has already posted them and A, but I have been biding my time. I pulled the trigger in a tasteful way yesterday. Me and C at IKEA. An innocent way to introduce to everyone, hey here's my girlfriend, get used to seeing her around for a while.

Did some work on my next presentation. Got the skeleton complete. Will finish it off today. Also I got a new book in the mail that they want me to read. Cloud FinOps. Woo. Started reading it a bit and almost fell asleep. Whatever. I get paid to read. Okay.

For dinner we had carnitas tacos, we watched an episode of Euphoria, then we sat in the media room snuggling and listening to one of C's favorite albums. On the way back from IKEA we stopped at the cheese lady and the wine store. Picked up a little of both. We sat and had a nice bottle of prosecco while eating cheese and listening to music. What a horrible life I have. Just plain awful. Went to bed around 11.

Today is therapy, more work, then french bread pizzas for dinner. One thing C likes is how we plan out the week in terms of meals and what's going on. She's not used to having that kind of stability. With B, she saw it as constricting. C sees in me stability and order. Not words I would have ever used to describe me, but okay. She's not looking for a savior, just less drama and insanity. I can provide that. We had the most wonderful boring domesticated day yesterday. It was glorious for both of us.

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