Hold on, I will write when C isn't brushing my hair. Yeah, that's right she is brushing my hair. I couldn't be happier with this. I love the intimacy it creates and plus the added bonus of my hair looking good.
We had a busy crazy day but it was a lot of fun. Some drama in the later part of the evening due to just some emotions coming to the surface partially fueled but not limited to alcohol. The day started with me having to go to Rite Aid to get C a heating pad and icy/hot. She hurt her elbow and it was really killing her. I then had to go to the grocery store because I knew I wouldn't have time to do it later and I flat out refuse to go any day next week. Fuck that noise.
After all that I went to therapy. Good session. Focused mostly on all the shit that B threw at me this week. How 3800 miles away they're still being a pain in my side. I am done with them so hard it isn't even funny. Which also ties to the drama that happened later in the night. After therapy came home and had a follow up doctor appointment. Everything looks good. I have a follow up in January and we will probably do my next pellet injection in January and do enough to last me through all of 2023. Nice. I also got my prescription for progesterone. You do not want to know the most effective way for me to take that. Let's just say, not orally. But I will get the best fastest results from it.
Molly Maid then showed up and we got trapped in the office for an hour. Finally we had lunch and started getting ready to go out. We went to Lost River Tiki and had a fabulous time. I had drinks that got lit on fire. Video at the bottom. We had a blast. Our bartender was a happy lesbian who loved us and gave us so much stuff. Lots of booze, post cards, and stickers. I would definitely go back.
So on the way home, C got into her head a little bit because we started talking about tattoos and she remembered that B and I are supposed to get one more in December. It was a long conversation that only just finished this morning as we both processed things. The end result? It may not happen. Not because of me, C, or B, but because of A. I don't think she is going to handle her girlfriend getting a matching tattoo with her ex-wife. On my end, if it happens, I am getting something very small and discrete to mark the end of the relationship which C understands. All good here. But A may not see it the way we do. This is going to prove interesting. And now, a drink on fire.
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