Sunday, November 20, 2022

ANA Y1 D177

My god people are so goddamn childish sometimes. We had a game night last night and I am dealing with the aftermath this morning. I got one who is in their own head and has decided the world is against him, I got B 3800 miles away pissed off I am stealing their friends, and who knows if anyone else had a good time. Jesus people, get a thicker skin. Your mental issues are not my responsibility. Work your issues out at home. Don't bring them to my doorstep. Maybe I need to start wearing a sign that says "Hey I am an asshole that will exploit your deepest insecurities out of love." because that's all it is. If you people don't know how to communicate if something is bothering you, don't make that my drama. This is why I can walk away from people and not look back. Get bent. Figure your shit out and come back when you can act like an adult. Of course that's part of the problem isn't it? I surround myself with people whose combined life experience is less than a third of mine. Plus, I have a good goddamn therapist.

Had a busy day in prep of people coming over. Double cleaned the house even though the cleaners came on Friday. We got everything done and prepped. Ordered a ton of food for everyone. I managed to get the timing down and basically everything came together right as the first people walked through the door. Other than that, we only left the house for C to have some taco bell. Which I should point out she paid for including mine. I was supposed to pick up my new meds but there seems to have been some issue and they won't be ready until Monday after 2pm. C has agreed to go pick them up for me. Gee, it's nice to have a partner who will reciprocate my actions. What a new development in life.

Today is a video game and fallout day. I will deal with everyone's childish behavior, maintain the peace where I can, and just live my best fucking life.

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