Thursday, November 17, 2022

ANA Y1 D174

Every morning this week I have woken up to a password reset from iHeart radio of all things. Seriously? What do you think you're going to get trying to hack into that account? Hell, I didn't even know I still HAD an account there. Losers.

I was up until 1am not for any fun reason. Nope. It's because one of the fucking cats decided to piss on the bed and it soaked all the way through. At 10pm I had to do laundry because I didn't want to let it sit. Since it was ALL of the bedding, I couldn't just start it and go to bed. I had to switch things out twice. Poor C tried her best but she fell asleep around 11:30. I mean I did tired her out for an hour and half prior. Oops. We had a talk about sex recently. We both acknowledge that we have been extra active due to it being a new relationship and all. This week we've gone at it twice. But we discussed what's realistic to sustain long term. Maybe if B and I had a conversation like that we would have done better. Either way, we know that we can both be happy with 2-3 times per week in the long run. Hell, that's more than I was having per year, so yeah, I am happy. 8-10 times per month? 96-120 times per year? I think that would be more than B and I had our entire relationship. Yep.

Yesterday was a busy day. I went to multiple grocery stores, went to the pet store, did work, and taught a class. I felt overwhelmed for most of the day. It wasn't very pleasant to say the least. But I got through it and here we are on thursday. I have a lot going on today too. Hopefully I will get through it with a little less stress than I did yesterday. It just felt like it was one thing after another. I got a slow start, I had to go pick up B's prescriptions at the pharmacy, buy groceries, stop at another store for different groceries, then after class we went to the pet store to get things to try and distract this fucking cat, then some groceries we forgot. Just non-stop. Then the peeing issue. I made dinner in there somewhere too. Made lamb burgers which came out pretty good. We didn't eat dinner until almost 7pm though. Then dishes, then sex, then laundry. Today we're having the new faucet installed, have to hit the bank, couch delivery, and grocery delivery. Somewhere in there I have to write blog posts for work, work on a presentation, and read a book. Ugh.

I am mostly annoyed with B right now to be honest. While I am over here dealing with all this shit, which includes some of their shit, they're honest to god, posting pictures of themselves exploring a glacier saying "take a chance you'll never know where it leads". Bitch, please. Take a chance. You're only there because of me. I just checked bank accounts and they better get a job soon is all I am saying. They aren't doing too well. Time to stop your little adventure and come back to reality. I am hoping I get paid early next week myself. Hate this time of year. 

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