Wednesday, November 23, 2022

ANA Y1 D180

The last few days I feel like I have been moving way too slow in the mornings. I'm getting too distracted by stupid shit and feel rushed. Today is no exception. It's been too goddamn cold when I get up in the morning so I am dragging. I can't turn the heat up while we sleep or both of us wake up dried out in our noses. Last night we stayed up too late having fun time. Didn't go to sleep until almost midnight. Then up at 6 to take the dog out and now I am just catching up on shit. C leaves for a week on Saturday and while I will be sad, it will be good to get back into my more normal groove of bed early up early. We've evolved from NRE and have a good rhythm established, but I still am more inclined to stay in bed longer than in the past. We sleep entangled compared to me and B who slept at opposite ends of the bed pretty much our entire relationship. C is a sleep cuddler which doesn't really bother me. I kind of like it. Ask me again in the summer when I am sweating to death though. Regardless, I am doing okay.

Taught two sessions yesterday. One a mentoring thing with Monday's students and then my sixth final session with another group. All went well and there were no issues. After class we went to group. Bad traffic and we felt rushed but we had dinner and made it on time. We left right after and came home to be with each other. Not much else happening yesterday.

Today for most office workers is a lazy day. Nothing happens today. I will be reading, going to the grocery store, and that's about it. Need to start my roast for later in a little while. Start it at 9, in the bath by 10, eat tomorrow at 5. Two glorious days off. Then a week to myself. B may or may not be home as planned now. They're still struggling to get a working vehicle back in Alaska. They may be delayed a week or more now. I couldn't handle that. I don't know how B is going to function long term. Once they are back in their normal day to day, let's see how they do. Both C and I are curious about that. Otherwise, all is good for everyone. 

Time to shower and hit the store with the crazies.

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