It would appear I offended some people with my post the other day. Let's clear the air on that right now - I am not denying that the events that occurred on 9/11 are a tragedy. Anytime someone loses their lives without just cause it is a horrific thing. To all the families and people who lost their lives that day, it is a sad trying moment that should never be forgotten. For those families, I hope they find the solace they need to be at peace with the loss of their loved ones.
The difference for me, is I see it as similar to a major earthquake or the victims of Katrina. There too were situations where people lost their lives through no fair or just reason. For those people I hope they too find their peace. I also see tragedies every day on the news. I see earthquakes and wars and homelessness and disease, yet we don't make the same deal out of it.
I am not going to claim to be an expert on any of this, but let's say that 3000 people lost their lives that day. How many die every day in other countries? How many die on the streets of our own cities because of gang violence, random assaults, or just plain viciousness?
What I don't appreciate is how these tragedies have been used for political gain. We are fighting a war in a country where we don't belong through the justification of people losing their lives. Anyone who still believes Iraq had a hand in 9/11 is drinking Kool-Aid. We used the loss of life to create more loss of life. More have died since that day in an unjust war. I too have friends who have fought in the middle east and lost their lives. THAT tragedy has touched me personally. For those people I mourn. For any service person who has chosen to defend this country with their life, I respect, applaud, and will never speak ill of them. I will give up my seat, my place in a line, or whatever for a service person. ANY DAY OF THE WEEK.
It doesn't mean however that I have sympathy for a country that cannot look at it's own problems fairly. An example is an email my grandmother sent me yesterday. She is a right wing nut job in my opinion. She swallows the Kool-Aid that Obama is a Muslim and Sarah Palin is the savior of this country. The email she sent was basically some crap about the CEO of Progressive. How we should all cancel our insurance policies because this one person supports Obama and the ACLU and Um, huh? Why should we punish all the employees of a company because one person working at it has different political beliefs than we do?
Isn't the foundation of this country based on the fact that we ensure life, liberty, and pursuit of happiness for all with respect to freedom of speech and tolerance? (Well technically if you were white, over voting age, and a land owner, but I digress). Point is, I accept my grandmother's craziness, but don't have to agree with her. I simply hit delete and move on with my day. She searches the internet for more crap like this. Obsesses over it really.
This was my point about 9/11. Yes, embrace it as a tragedy. Feel remorse for the families who have lost their loved ones. If any of you my friends lost someone that day, then I offer you my condolences. But don't blow it out of proportion. Don't forget the people who are dying every day in the country and abroad. Don't let their memories be in vain either.
In other news…
Started a new client yesterday. Sat for two hours while someone tried to find a laptop for me. I told the client since I lived very close by that I would head home as to not burn hours needlessly. He said he would call me when the laptop was ready. I went home and watched a movie about Ed Gein. When there was still no call, I watched an old 80s movie called Dreamscape. Very similar to Inception but with a 1980s bent about nuclear war.
Got a call back from one of the doctor's offices. Have an appointment Friday afternoon. Also heard back from my old doctor. It was good hearing his voice.
Tried watching Pandorum. That was horrible. Got about 30 minutes in and decided bleh. I then watched this weird one called Ink. Another dream world movie. I recommend it. It's a bizarre movie, but worth watching if you can stick with it.
H1 sent me a text around mid-morning. Wanting to know if I wanted a hoodie I let her have back. I didn't bother to reply. Two hours later she texted me back saying she would be willing to talk to me. Um, willing to talk to me? I pondered that for a while deciding if I should call or not. Finally caved in around 8pm. I texted her and she called back around 9. I told her while I was sorry for leaving the way I did, but it was the best decision for both of us. She told me she wished I would get hit by a bus and live. I said ok, if that's how you feel I can't change that.
She hung up on me.
I slept like a fucking baby again.
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