Friday, September 24, 2010

Y2 D121

I was doing pretty good until last night. I mean I wasn't stressing too much, psycho chick is out of my life, I am doing pretty good at my current client (which unfortunately ends today for a few weeks)... Overall nothing really horrific going on.

And then. My sister calls me last night. It was my niece's 18th birthday and I figured this is why she was calling. Oh no, that would have been too easy. No, she just got back from the doctor. She has had some physical problems for a while now and the doctors have been stumped as to what is truly wrong with her. They did back surgery on her recently thinking it was nerve related, but that still didn't fix the problem. Yesterday they came up with a new one. My sister has multiple sclerosis or MS. I don't know how much this impacts a person's life as I still need to look it up, but it does cause degeneration and shortens the lifespan, that much I do know. But wait it gets better! While they were looking at her they also discovered a mass in her uterus. As the nurse put it, a small soccer ball size probably benign mass. She will lose about 15 lbs when it is removed. They will be removing the mass and her whole uterus. She is going to have to have the same thing X2 did, a full hysterectomy. Nice, huh?

But then there's more! Finally got some news on my brother last night. They will be installing the pump in his chest next Tuesday morning. Six hour surgery. He will need to carry a battery pack around with him for the rest of his life (or until the technology changes of course). At night he has to plug in to allow the batteries to charge. He gets two batteries, each with a 10 hour charge. If he is stuck somewhere without a plug for more than 20 hours? Buh-bye.

Seriously I am beginning to think I am living proof there is no God. In both cases of my sister and brother, they have faith, they lead good lives, they have close spouses and children around them, and yet look at them. Then there's me - I smoke, I drink, I do recreational drugs, I fuck women half my age, I eat sporadically, I don't sleep normal, I get tattoos and piercings, and yet I passed my last physical with flying colors. I haven't been really sick in years. I can run a mile right now without getting fatigued. Figure that one out baby. Granted I am mentally unstable, but if I fix that, then the outside is ready for a good inside. Catholic guilt, welcome home old friend...

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