Sunday, September 26, 2010

Y2 D123

Long day yesterday. Didn't go to bed until 4:3o hence why this post is so late. BUT I stuck to my guns -- I stayed sober and I came home with only the same people I went with to the show! Small victories sometimes are the most satisfying.

Spent the day not doing much of anything. Watched a couple of good movies including what I think was the best documentary on the Doors that I have ever seen. Morrison was always an idol for me when I was growing up as I saw him as the tortured poet genius. This documentary was ONLY real footage of him - no interviews, no recreations, and it showed things even I had never seen before. It was also non-biased. It treated the good and the bad with the same respect. A very straight-forward factual documentary. Was extremely impressed.

The other that I watched? Well... It was Dr Horrible's sing along blog. Holy crap that was funny. I have always wanted to see it, and I am glad I watched it. Cracked me up completely.

Made sweet and spicy asian pork for dinner. That was pretty good. I finally went through all the pork shoulder I had in the freezer. I have to eat through all the food in my fridge this week as much of it is right on the cusp of expiring.

I ended up driving two cast members to the show last night. That was nice because I didn't have to drive alone. Kept me company while I was driving. Show went well from my perspective. Our directors sat in the audience last night to "review" the show and afterwards we had a long meeting about everything that went wrong. I did feel pretty good when the comment was made that "tech crew did the best job out there tonight minus a couple of small issues". Given the ranting every other group was getting, I felt pretty good about that. I did do some shameless flirting with some random women, but kept my cool, kept my dignity and didn't do anything stupid. Felt pretty good about that too.

Drove the guys home and by the time I finally got home it was 4am. Fell asleep around 4:30. It was one of those judgment calls if I went to bed or not. Since I have NOTHING to do today, I figured it wouldn't be a big deal if I slept. Oh look, I was right. Seriously, I have nothing going on today which is not a bad thing. I am going to relax all day. Enjoy this last of the summer weather.

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