Sunday, August 7, 2011

Y3 D73

Or else seems like a stupid fucking thing to say to someone like me.

Truer words were never spoken. Don't ever give me a fucking ultimatum. I will not play nice any more. You crossed a fucking line last night and there is no going back from it.

The day was going so well too...

Had a good morning despite being hungover. I had the whole house to myself for a large portion of the day. I even took the motorcycle out and went riding. Not very far, but it felt good to be on the bike regardless. Just get out and let it rip.

Around 4 or so, TGF texted me and I met up with her. I arranged for the kid to get a ride to the show, have everything ready, and then headed down to see TGF. We went for a walk, had some chinese food - oh and the coolest thing happened: we got the same fortune in our fortune cookie. Silly but neat.

Around 9 I left her and went off to the bar. Still trying to play nice and be good. Yeah, that didn't work. I get called into a pre-show meeting where I am told that what I am doing is wrong, that they are disgusted, that I am sick, I should grow the fuck up, essentially berating and belittling me in public. I thought it was done until we got to the theater where it escalated into an in your face argument between me and my director. She was in my face and called me every name in the book. Then she made the real mistake 'choose us or you're off this fucking cast and you're dead to me'.

What the fuck was I supposed to do? I can't lose cast. Not only for my sake, but for the kid's.

And now I will be forced to figure out how to either live a triple life - work, personal, cast - where nothing overlaps or I tell TGF to go away.

I don't like the position I am in right now.

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