Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Y3 D91

My phone wouldn't stop ringing yesterday morning. I was way too popular for my own good. I am trying to stay focused on yesterday but some shit as already happened this morning which is souring my mood and throwing me off. Focus...

First call was from a former client who somehow in one day had heard I was coming back. He wants me on the group in LA (Louisiana, not Los Angeles) the first week of September. Deja fucking vu all over again. When I went back to them in October this was the first client they put me on and I spent two weeks in their casino. After that my bosses called me to tell me they had two projects already lined up. THEN my current boss calls me into his office and wants to know if I would be willing to partner with the current company in order to take on one more project because he doesn't have the bandwidth. Damn.

Did my job for the rest of the day and went home. Helped a friend do some work on her computer and watched Rise of the Apes. I have to admit, they did a damn good job with that movie. I thought it was much better than expected and was really well done. Kudos.

I am out of sorts right now. More tomorrow.

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