Friday, August 26, 2011

Y3 D93

After my adventure of the train yesterday I was ready for anything. So I thought. Not like anything major happened, but I had a day that completely exemplified why I am leaving. It did it so well that other people were direct about it. Comments like, yeah, if I had something lined up and was dealing with what you are dealing with, I would be quitting too.

I had the most bizarre dream last night. I was at someone's house, don't know who nor did it look familiar but it also wasn't meant to be strange. There were a bunch of people there including TGF. Then LO shows up because she wants my help in putting together some party that's going to be at my house that I know about. And we were so happy to see each other. We were laughing and talking like no time had passed. The fun really started when a theoretical other ex-gf showed up. Whoever this girl was, in real life I don't know her, but in my dream she was another gf. Then another. The strange part? I was hugging and kissing all of them and they were all happy with it. They were fighting for my attention not the other way around. Next thing I know I am in the car with the kid and she gets in two different accidents in my car. Then we are back at was is supposed to be my place but my car has been destroyed - exploded into multiple pieces and it's leaking gas and it explodes. I put out the flames and take care of it all the while a group is setting up a display on dildos. Yeah. Weird.

Yesterday at work was so frustrating. I spent all day dealing with the same error from the day before. We finally got it tracked down and resolved but it took until 3pm. I walked at 3:30. Screw it. Came home, went to my monthly brow appointment, then hung out with the kid. We watched X-Files and had a good salad of chicken and spinach. TGF called me around 10 and we spent an hour talking on the phone. I was a little surprised when I saw it was almost 54 minutes that we had talked. I don't like talking on the phone so it was just odd.

I went to bed at that point but then I had her and two other people texting me. I finally just got fed up and turned my phone off. I was sleepy dammit.

Today is going to be interesting. More tomorrow.

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