Friday, August 19, 2011

Y3 D86

Couldn't take it yesterday. My head was pounding, couldn't breathe, couldn't focus on anything - just had to get the hell out. Ironically since I get in so early, leaving at around 11:40 meant I had already worked almost a full day. No guilt on my part.

The kid was still in class when I got to the train station and I had to walk home which put me in an even shittier mood. By the time I got home it was after 1:30 and I popped NyQuil and crashed. TGF had been texting me to see what I was doing and I told her I needed to rest and that I was going out like a light. She said she wanted to come over and take care of me. Sweet, but leave me alone right now. Not in the mood for anyone. Also my friend was texting me because she had a great interview and wanted to celebrate. Obviously I was in no mood. I told her the same thing, crashing ping me later.

Slept until about 5:30. The kid came home with tomato soup for me. I made us grilled cheese sandwiches and tomato soup. Still felt crappy but was functional. The kid and I watched Runway and TGF came over around 7:30. This for some reason pissed the kid off. I called her out on it and told her to deal. I was still cranky and I don't think she liked it but tough. Now that she has quit her job, I am bank rolling her ass and she can just suck it up. Sorry, my house, my rules. You pay rent, you have a say.

She went off into her room to sulk so TGF and I watched a movie on NetFlix. She started her damn period (again, not complaining given the alternative) and I was cranky so we went to bed around 10. Another night of actually just sleeping.

I guess in some ways it's pretty nice to actually want to be with her and just sleep, but at the same time, I am a horny son of a bitch. Of course given my track record over the last couple of year? Meh, beggars can't be choosers, right? I still on average in the last 5 weeks had more sex than X2 and I had in the last YEAR we were together. Fuck it. One week of nothing isn't going to kill me.

God my fucking thoughts are still all over the map today. I know I am not 100%. Still waiting for the contract from my old boss to confirm I am resigning on Monday. I wish he would hurry the fuck up.

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