Sunday, March 4, 2012

Y3 D284

Even when I am not at the show I have to deal with show shit. Between one guy having to go to the hospital with internal bleeding which lost the spotlight, to a recap of a show I wasn't at that I get to deal with today. Fun fun fun. Yesterday morning was aftermath from the party. We all headed over to Taco Bell at around 8:30 and pretty much freaked out the poor woman working there. It's not a taco bell that gets a lot of business from loud happy people at that time of the morning. We weren't disruptive but it was a bigger crowd than she was used to on a Saturday morning.

Everyone left by around 10 including TGF. I went and met my friend for lunch (which was me having a milkshake while he ate) and we talked about the problems he is having with his ex. Man oh man what a nightmare he is going through. She was evicted from their house but broke in and stole the fridge in the middle of the night. Bullshit like that.

Came home and napped from 12-2. The kid went out with her grandmother, then work, then show. TGF came over around 5 and we had a nice evening. She needed to do some sewing on her dance shoes, I made us dinner, we watched a movie, then went to bed. We banged, we fell asleep, good times.

Was very 'normal'. Very stable. Very where I need to be.

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