Wednesday, January 13, 2016

Y7 D232

I dislike late start times on classes. Class yesterday went from 8:30 until 4. Throws my day off. I am so used to being done earlier. Especially when I get up as early as I do. The class went okay. I sent my boss a message after class asking if in the future the sales people could strongly suggest that a class like this be done in person. Any class that requires a remote connection to a server and has this many students is better if I can be there to assist them. We spent nearly 30 minutes just getting everyone connected to their servers. Also some of the students were only half paying attention which of course led to issues.

After class B and I went to the store for some stuff for dinner and to the pet store. Agador has been a real pain in the ass lately and we are looking for something to help calm her down. Petco lists this brand of cat treats on their website but apparently they don't sell them in store. They are supposed to help calm a crazy cat. I ended up having to order them off Amazon.

Speaking of Amazon, I had something I ordered show up yesterday which kept me busy for a little while. I have a ton of cooking magazines and needed some way of putting them on the shelf. Over the weekend we went to the office supply store but they wanted a ridiculous price for essentially cardboard. I order a set of 5 magazine holders off Amazon for $7 with no tax or shipping. Much better. Our cooking magazines are now well organized on the shelf and won't fall all over the place. There are things like that where I question why I never bothered to order them before. So simple but yet I never have. Oh well. They're here now.

Made pork chops for dinner and then we settled in to watch a new show - The Shannara Chronicles. It's based on the books by Terry Brooks and neither of us is sure if we like it or not. It was a two part first episode and was almost 2 hours long. It was okay? There are two more episodes and we will see how those are before we pass judgment. We also watched iZombie. That show we like. I hope it gets picked up for a 3rd season.

Went to bed around 11. Talked to the kid yesterday. She was asking questions about the weather and what to pack. She is excited to be here next week and I am excited to see her. It's been since October. Way too long. But this is what it means to be an adult.

Now to kill 4 hours until class starts.

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