Thursday, January 14, 2016

Y7 D233

Made it through class. Was a little rough at the end as the concepts got harder. Some of the students were out of their league but we made it through. We got through all the material and got everyone's questioned answered. I call that a success. While teaching I came across a link for 50 cupcake recipes. I was so stressed by the end of class that I decided to make cupcakes. Apple pie cupcakes to be exact.

After class I went to the store to get the ingredients and while I was there B texted me another recipe for chicken tikka masala. That unfortunately took too long to make last night, but I got all the ingredients and will be making it tonight.

My cupcakes came out pretty good. We each had one which for B is a miracle as she is trying to not eat anything. I just can't do that. I need sweet. She is a salty person and would rather have chips, but I need the sweet. For dinner we had ham steak with veggies. Watched some TV and then I went to bed around 10:30. Boring ass day.

Only a few more days until the kid is here and we have some fun. Tomorrow and saturday are house cleaning days. I also made an extra payment to one of my cards yesterday. That felt good. Chip it away a little at a time. If the Doctor can punch through a diamond wall, I can get through this debt. I wish I had one of the three winning tickets for that 1.6b lottery jackpot but I don't so there. I will do it the old fashioned way. Yeah, I am boring like that.

Time to prep for today's class. Two days of sys admin and then I get a little break.

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