Monday, July 25, 2022

ANA Y1 D59

 I am up at 2am about ready to start class. I only have a few minutes to type this morning so need to do this quick. I only saw B for five hours. I managed to just get B into bed. I know they're not sleeping but at least they're in bed. The time I spent was better. We had a very neutral non-invasive friend come over for some social time. They left around 8 when I went to bed. Otherwise, it was okay.

I made chicken salad, did yard work, clean the cat room, and a bunch of other little things. Nothing major. Now for the whole week I do my 3-12 shit. B has another therapy appointment today AND tomorrow. We are discussing taking a drive to get some stuff for their sister after class and therapy. We will see if that happens. 

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