Friday, September 30, 2022

ANA Y1 D126

Happy Friday my gentle readers. It is Friday so you all know what I have been doing already. Bills, bills, bills. Who is this Bill and why do I get all his mail? Ah yeah, some jokes never die do they. Feeling good this morning. The dynamic is continuing to shift here in the house. Last night C and I were talking about tomorrow and she wanted to make sure I was okay with all that driving. It dawned on me, well, why don't I stay the night?? Duh. So I looked up the lowest point hotel in a reasonable area and booked us a room. But I did that after asking B if they were okay with me not being home and that they didn't have anything Sunday morning where it would be a problem. I am still putting them and the household as the priority. Not first, but a priority. There's a difference. But the point is, we're there. Overnight stays. Weekend getaways. Plus I was talking with my sister and niece yesterday and my niece wants me to come for her baby shower in December. I told her I would think about it and if I did it wouldn't be alone. She is okay with all that. So I may be going to Seattle in December. We shall see. 

Taught all day, dead group. Was driving me nuts. Luckily I had a distraction again. Made it much less painful. It was another 11-7 so it felt like it ate my whole damn day up. After class I started moving books upstairs. I managed to get almost 3 of the 4 cases filled. I would like to finish up the rest tonight. That will be everything. Move some stuff around downstairs to make more room and let me feel like it's moving forward. Was exhausted though after doing it. But it was a good accomplishment. Had BBQ for dinner. Need to figure out what to eat tonight. I am no longer worrying about what B is eating. They were out anyway and didn't get home until almost 10. They were immediately on the defensive though. Again, I think the reality of life is hitting home and they don't like it. Not my issue.

Funny how everything has shifted. Life is fucking weird. Therapy today. House shit. Lash fill. Work. Then I get to see my baby. More on this after I have processed some feelings. I need to go over some stuff with my therapist before sharing them here.

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