Saturday, July 3, 2010

Y2 D38

I watched Se7en last night with the Kid. She has a list of about 50 - 75 movies she has decided she has to see. Most of them are classics like "The Godfather" or "Citizen Kane" but then she has some crap on there like "Evil Bong" (which we watched last week btw and is so god awful we cracked up the entire time). Out of her list I probably own 25 or so of the movies. We have them all sitting by the TV to watch while she is here this summer. Se7en is one of them.

Point? For those who remember the movie, when they go into John Doe's place, Somerset finds the notebooks. He starts reading from them to Mills -- "I was on the subway today and this man tried to make small talk". Made me wonder if what I am doing here is nothing more than an updated modern version of an insane man writing line after line in a notebook. My last year's worth of entries came out to 290,000 words. How many notebooks would that have filled? Did I say anything in there that was worth reading or even putting down in type in the first place?

Is there anything in these ramblings that is worth "saving" for posterity? I think the only difference between me and John Doe is I am not shooting for illusions of grandeur. I do this mostly for me, not for any of you. Hell I don't even know how many or who is reading this anymore. I don't really care. It helps me. If I can keep looking in the mirror and questioning my sanity then I must still be sane, right? Please tell me I am right...

Other than watching the movie with the kid yesterday the most exciting thing that happened was that I bought a toaster oven. I don't make toast or things like toast. But since the kid is here she has wanted frozen waffles, toast, bagels, etc. I caved in and got a toaster oven yesterday for her. Once she leaves, I will pack it up and stick it in the storage unit. I wonder how skinny I can get before it has adverse effects on my health. 20 more lbs? 30? Funny that if I continue to lose weight it will be more socially acceptable than if I decided to go the other way.

Cut of your nose to spite your face.

Still stuck inside my head. Still falling slowly. Feel like Alice falling down the rabbit hole.

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