Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Y2 D56

Another night spent at the hospital with my brother. They did a serious of tests all day yesterday to determine if his defib unit is infected. They found a major sac of fluid on his lungs. This morning he is going in to have that drained. This and a couple other things they noticed yesterday all point to an infection. He will be in ICU while they try to stop the infection. After that, he will have surgery to replace his current defib unit with an updated model. While he is on the list for a heart transplant, because of his age, weight, and other medical issues (diabetes, etc), he is low on the list. This is why they want to put in a new defib unit. I will be heading over to the hospital again later today.

Fun stuff, eh?

I know this sounds horrible, but hey, this IS my site right? Anyway, I have major catholic guilt right now (the horrible part is making this about myself instead of my brother. Might as well be X1. Humor, it's whats for breakfast...). What guilt? Oh please. How is it that someone like my brother goes through all this and yet this bumble keeps on bouncing? I was talking to my friend who runs the smoke shop yesterday and she said "well remember, only the good die you. So you will live forever, right?". I know she was being cute and trying to make me feel better, but sometimes I wonder the truth to that statement. My mother dies at 35. X1's sister at 41. My brother in the hospital at 38. Cranky old guy you pass on the street? 102. Big ol' WTF on that one.

Other than stressing about my brother, the only other thing yesterday was work. I went in, did some changes to the system reports, waited for validation, came home. No room for anything else. I wanted to see L this week, but things are way to hectic. I am picking up my sister's kids this afternoon to spend a week with me. Who knows, I might take a break tomorrow night. But honestly, right now I want some me time and not even interested in a date.

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