Friday, July 30, 2010

Y2 D65

The pain is abating. I am not 100% yet, but on my way to recovery. I can move my neck almost all the way. I took another of the muscle relaxers last night. Helped me sleep but I took it late and I am now a bit groggy. I have to drive a decent ways to today's client too. I should be clear in a little while.

Yesterday was an extremely busy day. I started at 6 my time with one client who is three hours ahead. I then started work on a different client, and finally at 3 went off to yet another. I didn't get home until 7:30. Very long day. But I need the hours. I need at least another 200 hours before the end of August to make sure I am ahead for September. I might have a 4-5 week project on the road starting the second or third week of August which will help, but between now and then, it's looking kind of light.

Made dinner for the kid when I got home. Yes, she's still here. One more week. Then my life goes back to the quiet solitude I have come to terms with over the last year. I enjoy having her around, but at the same time, I do like my alone time I realize. After dinner, we decided to watch an old classic - Clockwork Orange. She has read the book, but never watched the movie.

Sometimes I find it weird to watch certain things with my kid. My parents never watched movies like that with me when I was young, granted I had a much different relationship not only with my parents but life in general when I was her age. Hm. That made me think about something. When I was her age, my mom had already died, I was doing massive amounts of drugs on the weekends to cope with life, working 40 hours a week, dating her mother, and definitely not hanging out with adults watching movies. Interesting how different things are. No matter what, I have done right by my kid. I will always be proud of that fact.

Anyway, watched the movie, hit the sack. That's that. Tonight? Nothing major. Start laundry as to not have to do it this weekend. Start cleaning the house a little. That's our big weekend plans. After her friend and cousins being here, the house needs a good once-over. Maybe re-arrange some furniture, hang out at the pool. In other words, a cheap boring weekend. Perfect.

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