Saturday, January 14, 2017

Y8 D233

Slept in this morning. It was nice. Didn't go to bed until after 11 so pretty good amount of sleep. I do love our new bed. Plus we now have a white noise maker, blackout curtains, and wonderful pillows. When we sleep, we sleep.

Worked on a bunch of random stuff yesterday. A few of my students from the day before had some follow up questions and I had to work through some of their requests. I didn't mind as it kept me busy. Around 3 we went to the grocery store as B needed a couple of things.

Came back, had dinner, watched some tv, read, went to bed. Boring days are here again. One more week and I can go on the road.

The snow is still on the ground. It hasn't warmed up enough yet to melt it. The main roads are clear, but some of the side roads still are icy and have snow banks. Saw at least two people stuck in snowbanks yesterday when we went out. Been trying to minimize where we go as a result. Yes we have an AWD vehicle but not everyone does and ice is ice.

Going to try and make some pedicure appointments today. B wants one bad and if they can take both of us, great. If not, I will go somewhere while she is having hers and kill time. No biggie. Other than that, no weekend plans. I have four days of training next week with 17 students total. Big money week. 20,000+ week. I earn my keep dammit.

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