Sunday, January 22, 2017

Y8 D241

Look at the time!! It's almost 7:40 and I just woke up 10 minutes ago. I didn't stay up late either. I guess my body just decided it needed a shit ton of sleep. Like 9 hours worth. Wow.

We avoided leaving the house yesterday except for a quick trip to the store for dinner stuff because FedEx was SUPPOSED to be coming. At 4:30 they cancelled our delivery and rescheduled it for Tuesday. MOTHERFUCKERS. I have HAD IT with UPS and FedEx right now. They are using the "weather" excuse a little too liberally right now. I have three packages that REALLY need to be here on Monday as it's stuff I need for this Chicago trip on Tuesday. Speaking of that, I need to pack today. Or tomorrow. We shall see.

So yeah, we stayed in. Also because we didn't want to be downtown or on the freeway. I respect and admire everyone who marched yesterday, but it's not for us. My hate of crowds, B's anxiety - no way. We would have been in trouble. We applaud and support from afar on this one.

Watched a little tv, made tacos for dinner. We did shrinky dinks which was fun. Went to bed around 10:30. Not much on the agenda for today. Going to look at rugs for the front room, but that's about it. One more day and I am on the road. Plus eye doctor tomorrow.

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