Sunday, June 27, 2010

Y2 D32

Absinthe is a motherfucker.

Just make note of that. Stay away from it boys and girls. Make you do really bad things. I am pretty black on most of last night from about 9 on. I made it home, barely.

Made too many drunk dials last night. Think I fucked things up in a couple of ways. But hey, welcome to my vortex of destruction. And N1 wonders why I broke up with her. Please. You don't want any of this. I am a goddamn whirlwind of evil. It all goes well until it stops going well. Then boom, it hurts.

Hi glad to meet you, let me ruin everything.

Punishment. Pain. Oh yeah. I deserve it all.

Was at an equestrian party yesterday. Yes you read that right. Not sure how I ended up there, but I did. They tried to introduce me to the right ones, but somehow I ended up with the wrong one. H. Hello Miss H. You are way too young for me, but I don't care. I am realizing your age group is the only group that can even come close to keeping up with me. Hell you went home before I did. Oh yes, after taking you to your car, I went back inside sweetheart. I think I got asked to leave at one point. Cest la vie.

I am paying the price this morning. Always pay the price but damn if it isn't fun for the moment. Life is about moments. Let's see where this one leads...

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